Tired of topical pain relief products that simply mask or distract you from the pain instead of treating the source of it?
Are you looking for an added boost that may actually help heal the source of your inflammation and pain without the negative side effects/risks associated with NSAIDs or prescription pain relief products? (Or any known side effects at all!)
Our RELIEF!™ Diamondized™ Healing Serum for Joint Pain contains the unique healing powers of detonation synthesis nanodiamonds that may assist in the treatment of not only the symptoms (pain and inflammation) but also healing the source of them.
The following list is generated completely from our customer feedback and should not be considered an exhaustive catalog of ailments successfully treated:
- Arthritic joints in hands, feet, knees, elbows, shoulder, neck or spine
- Rheumatoid arthritis (for pain relief only)
- Plantar fasciitis (arch of the foot)
- Knee pain including inflamed tendons, ligaments and runner's knee
- Tennis elbow
- Soft tissue damage (e.g. whiplash, muscle pulls)
- Sinus pain
- Swollen glands
- Jaw pain from TMD/TMJ
- Certain types of migraines
Our healing serum is easy to use. Simply shake the bottle vigorously for 60 seconds to allow the nanodiamonds to disperse throughout the glycerin carrier. Twist off bottle cap. Use the roller ball applicator to apply a very small amount of product to the affected area. Gently rub into skin if needed. Replace and tight the cap. Store the bottle in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Apply a minimum of twice daily until pain and inflammation are no longer present. To prevent return of these symptoms, our customers recommend continuing use of this product for at least 6 months.
We currently offer this product in 10ml and 59ml sizes. On average, depending on the size of the affected area, a 10ml bottle will last for approximately 3 months.
Detonation synthesis nanodiamonds are considered safe for long-term use as there are currently no known negative side effects or risks associated with topical use. While research is ongoing, we know for certainty that nanodiamonds do not build up inside the body but instead they are eliminated through the body's natural cleansing processes.
- No odor.
- No stickiness.
- Safe for all skin types.
- Can be used on children 10 years of age and older. (Customers have even used this serum on their pets!)
- There are no systemic effects with repeated use. Nanodiamond crystals clear from your body by macrophages, a natural process.
- There are no known side effects or allergies to nanodiamond crystals.
- Glycerin Allergy: While very rare, do not use this product if you are allergic to glycerin. Stop using this product if you experience burning, stinging, redness or irritation. Consult a doctor if these conditions persist or worsen.
- Flush eyes with water if you accidentally get RELIEF!™ Joint Pain in your eyes.
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Keep bottle out of direct heat or sunlight.
Please download the product data sheet for additional guidance and information. As with any new product, we know you may have questions or concerns not addressed here or in other documentation. We ask that you please contact us by email or phone to discuss.
*Sale price applies to 10ml roller bottles only.
RELIEF!™ Joint Pain
Size: 10 ml
Type: Roller Ball
Active Ingredient:
Government-Certified Food-Grade Detonation Synthesis Nanodiamond Crystals
Other Ingredient(s): Government-Certified Food-Grade Glycerin