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Get your questions answered about nanodiamonds, our RELIEF!™ Diamondized™ Healing serums and access the latest research on nanodiamonds here. 

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  • What does "nano" mean? "
    Nano means "billionth."
  • What does nanometer (nm) mean?
    It means one-billionth of a meter. It is 1,000 times smaller than one-micron (millionth of a meter).
  • How small is one nanometer really?
    Unbelievably small. Human hairs range from .04 to 0.1 mm thick. In nanometers, 1/40,0000 to 1/100,000 the thickness of a human hair.
  • What is a nanodiamond?
    Nanodiamonds are carbon-based particles that are roughly 2 to 6 nanometers in width (before refining) with surfaces reminiscent of a soccer ball.
  • How are nanodiamonds created?
    Nanodiamonds can be created through several methods including detonation synthesis. Detonation nanodiamond synthesis is achieved in one of two ways. One method involves adding graphite to an explosives system and subjecting the graphite (carbon) to the shock wave of an explosive detonation. The other method is to explode a carbon producing explosive (TNT or RDX) inside of a detonation chamber in the absence of oxygen. In both cases, a portion of the carbon is converted into diamond particles and some remains as graphenes, which can be burned off with strong acids. Diamond material created from the detonation of an explosive is referred to as “detonation nanodiamond”.
  • What is so special about our detonation synthesis nanodiamonds (DSND)?
    Adsorption Nanodiamonds have a property known as adsorption (not to be confused with the more familiar word absorption). Adsorption means the nanodiamonds attract and hold other materials on their surface (the way a charcoal filter works). Adding them to skin care products allows active ingredients to work at their peak potential. The nanodiamonds adsorb more of the active ingredient than your skin would absorb on its own, and as the nanodiamonds in turn penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, the active ingredient is carried with it. Surface Area to Weight Ratio Detonation diamonds are so tiny that 1.5 million will fit on the head of a pin. This also means that, altogether, a tiny quantity has a huge surface area. In fact, this area is usually in the range of 350-450 square meters per gram of nanodiamond. For reference, 400 square meters is 4,305 square feet, the size of a larger house. This makes them an ideal medium to transport other things. Active Surface Detonation nanodiamonds have other special features. First, they carry things called functional groups on their surface. Second, they carry an electrical charge which is typically -30 to -70 millilvolts. This combination makes them a powerful agent for change. The effect of the electrical charge is one of the first things a user notices. Because of the way the human nervous system is designed, the voltage on the active surface interferes with pain impulses. In some cases, especially when the problem is near the surface of the skin, pain may cease almost immediately; for severe or deep pain, pain reduction usually occurs gradually. A second effect of the electrical charge is that it amplifies the body’s natural healing process. When an injury occurs, the body uses its natural voltage to signal for cell migration for healing. The active surface of the nanodiamond crystal is much stronger than the body’s natural voltage, so it causes healing in places where it would not otherwise occur (e.g., joints with deposits from rheumatoid arthritis) or it accelerates natural healing (e.g., tendons, osteoarthritis). Strong Bond With Water Nanodiamond molecules form a particularly strong bond with water. When nanodiamond crystals are added to a cream or lotion (cosmetic), in addition to the adsorption property carrying the cream or lotion through the skin for rapid and thorough absorption, it carries water with it, improving skin hydration. Bactericidal Interestingly, nanodiamond crystals have properties that kill bacteria. In fact, it is now used by some manufacturers of gutta percha, the packing used when a dentist performs a root canal, to help prevent infection. This property also comes into play when nanodiamond crystals are used in burn or wound treatments. The bactericidal effect stems from oxygen containing functional groups on the surface of the crystal. These functional groups were identified by material scientists from the Advanced Ceramics Group.
  • What is RELIEF!™ Joint Pain?
    RELIEF!™ Joint Pain is a simple formula consisting of government-certified food grade nanodiamond crystals created by detonation synthesis suspended in glycerin. Detonation synthesis nandiamond (DSND) crystals are the active ingredient. The power of these crystals lie in their very large total surface area and their electrically charged or "active" surfaces. Glycerin is used as a "carrier" for the DSND crystals. It is not active in the pain relief or healing process. However, with repeated use, you will notice your skin feel softer and its appearance improve.
  • How does RELIEF!™ Joint Pain work?
    The size of the DSND crystals is so small that they quickly absorb through the pores of your skin and quickly reach the source of pain or inflammation. Problems that are closer to your skin's surface are reached more quickly and the time until an initial response to treatment is shorter. The active surface of the DSND crystals works in two ways to resolve your pain and boost your body's natural healing response: Electrical activity interferes with the natural pain impulses carried by your nervous system Electrical activity "amplifies" the effect of the naturally-occuring electrical impulses in our body that normally generate to direct healing cell migration to the affected area.
  • What conditions can I use RELIEF!™ Joint Pain to treat?
    Our customers use RELIEF!™ Joint Pain on almost anything that hurts them! We are continually surprised at the range of conditions clients report successfully treating. Look for the list below to grow as more stories are shared! Arthritic joints in hands, feet, knees, elbows, shoulder, neck or spine Sinus pain Rheumatoid arthritis for pain relief Swollen glands Plantar fasciitis (arch of the foot) Jaw pain from TMD Knee pain including inflamed tendons, ligaments and runner's knee Certain types of migraines Tennis elbow RELIEF!™ Joint Pain is for external use only. Although safe to ingest, our customers' results are based on external application only.
  • How long should I use RELIEF!™ Joint Pain?
    For many people, pain vanishes after one or two applications. For more severe conditions it will gradually subside with continued consistent use. To obtain optimal results keep using RELIEF!™ Joint Pain after the pain is gone. It takes time for your body to repair the damage. We recommend continuing use for at least one additional week after the pain is completely gone to reduce the likelihood of a recurrence. Some types of damage take a long time to heal. This is especially true for conditions you have had for a long time or conditions that affect a larger area such as your shoulder. Some conditions can take weeks or months before they go away. Don't be impatient! If you didn't develop the problem overnight it won't go away overnight either.
  • Are there any known side effects from using RELIEF!™ Joint Pain?
    Good news! Continued use of RELIEF!™ Joint Pain will not cause any harm. There are no systemic effects with repeated use. Nanodiamond crystals clear from your body by macrophages, a natural process. There are no known side effects or allergies to nanodiamond crystals. Glycerin Allergy: While very rare, do not use RELIEF!™ Joint Pain if you are allergic to glycerin. Stop using RELIEF!™ Joint Pain if you experience burning, stinging, redness or irritation. Consult a doctor if these conditions persist or worsen. Flush eyes with water if you accidentally get RELIEF!™ Joint Pain in your eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Keep bottle out of direct heat or sunlight.
  • Can RELIEF!™ Joint Pain be use on all skin types?
    Absolutely! The results are the same no matter what type of skin you possess.
  • Is RELIEF!™ Joint Pain safe for use on children and pets?
    Our detonation synthesis nanodiamonds are safe to use on everyone in the family! Nanodiamonds do not create any build up in the body. Instead they are flushed naturallly with the help of macrophages. Glycerin allergy is a very rare occurrence. However if your child is allergic to glycerin please do not use.
  • What is RELIEF!™ First Aid?
    RELIEF!™ First Aid is a simple formula consisting of government-certified food grade nanodiamond crystals created by detonation synthesis suspended in Siberian Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil (SBB). Siberian Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil (SBB oil) is used as both a "carrier" for the DSND crystals and an active ingredient. SBB oil has a unique fatty acid profile and is the only known plant to contain all four essential fatty acids (omegas-3,-4,-6 and -7). SBB oil is also a rich source of vitamins, carotenoids, phytosterols, phospholipids, and more. In Eastern Europe and Asia, SBB oil has been used for over 1,000 years to promote healthy skin and to treat a wide variety of external and internal conditions. The combination of DSND crystals and SBB oil is powerhouse and improves the results that can obtained by either ingredient alone.
  • How does RELIEF!™ First Aid work?
    The size of the DSND crystals is so small that they quickly absorb through the pores of your skin and quickly reach the source of pain or inflammation. Problems that are closer to your skin's surface are reached more quickly and the time until an initial response to treatment is shorter. The DSND crystals have a surface that is both adsorptive and electrically-charged (or "active"). Adsorptive means that the crystal is able to capture the SBB oil on its surface and carry it through your skin. The ability to carry SBB oil molecules directly to the source of the injury provides deeper delivery of the oil's healing properties. The electrically-charged surface of the DSND crystals works in two ways to resolve your pain and boost your body's natural healing response: Electrical activity interferes with the natural pain impulses carried by your nervous system Electrical activity "amplifies" the effect of the naturally-occuring electrical impulses in our body that normally generate to direct healing cell migration to the affected area.
  • What conditions can I use RELIEF!™ First Aid to treat?
    Our customers use RELIEF!™ First Aid as an add-on treatment to speed healing and relieve pain for a vast array of skin injuries and conditions. We are continually surprised at the range of applications clients report successfully treating. Look for the list below to grow as more stories are shared! Cuts and scrapes First and second-degree burns Lupus Sinus pain Rashes and itching Bruises Migraines Insect stings/bites Hiccups Eczema Sports or physical activity-related overuse injuries Chronic pain in feet, knees, hips, hands, elbows or spine NOTE: RELIEF!™ First Aid is for external use only. While safe to ingest, our customers' results are based on external application only.
  • How long should I use RELIEF!™ First Aid?
    For many people, pain vanishes after one or two applications. To obtain optimal results keep using RELIEF!™ First Aid until the injury is completely healed.
  • Are there any known side effects of using RELIEF!™ First Aid?
    Good news! Continued use of RELIEF!™ First Aid will not cause any harm. There are no systemic effects with repeated use. Nanodiamond crystals clear from your body by macrophages, a natural process. There are no known side effects or allergies to nanodiamond crystals. SBB Oil Allergy: Although intolerance to SBB oil has not been reported, you can test yourself by apply a small amount to an unaffected area of skin and wait twenty (20) minutes. Do not use or stop using RELIEF!™ First Aid if you experience redness or itching. Consult a doctor if these conditions persist or worsen. Flush eyes with water if you accidentally get RELIEF!™ First Aid in your eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Keep bottle out of direct heat or sunlight.
  • Can RELIEF!™ First Aid be use on all skin types?
    Absolutely! The results are the same no matter what type of skin you possess.
  • Is RELIEF!™ First Aid safe to use on children and pets?
    Our detonation synthesis nanodiamonds are safe to use on everyone in the family! Nanodiamonds do not create any build up in the body. Instead they are flushed naturallly from the body with the help of macrophages. SBB Oil Allergy: Although intolerance to SBB oil has not been reported, you can test yourself by apply a small amount to an unaffected area of skin and wait twenty (20) minutes. Do not use or stop using RELIEF!™ First Aid if you experience redness or itching. Consult a doctor if these conditions persist or worsen.
  • Refunds and Returns/Exchanges
    We offer a 100% money-back guarantee with no time restrictions if any of our products do not deliver results when used as directed. That's how confident we are in our products. Simply contact us at for details.
  • Do you ship internationally?
  • When should I expect to receive my order?
    In the United States: All of our products are shipped via USPS, FedEx or UPS and should arrive in 3 to 5 business days after your order is placed. Once the package is shipped, we will send you a tracking number via email. If your package does not arrive as expected, please contact us immediately. We will do what we can to resolve the issue.
  • Do you offer special pricing for bulk orders?
    Yes. Please contact us to discuss your order.
  • How do I become a RELIEF!™ Product Ambassador?
    We are excited for you to join our team. Please send us an email with your contact information and we will reach out to schedule a meeting with you.
Third-Party Research 
Topic: Nanodiamonds

"Neuroactivity of Detonation nanodiamonds: dose-dependent changes in transporter-mediated uptake and ambient level of excitatory/inhibitory neurotransmitters in brain nerve terminals," Pozdnyakova et al. Journal of Nanobiotechnology. 2016, March; 31:

14-25. Full Article

"Antibacterial Applications of Nanodiamonds," Szunerits et al. International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, April 2016 Full Article

"Opening up a new world of nanodiamonds - Dispersing nanodiamonds," Eiji OSAWA, NanoCarbon Research Institute Ltd, 2006 

Full Text (in Japanese)

 “Nanodiamond-Insulin Complexes as pH-Dependent Protein Delivery Vehicles," Skimkuna, RA et al. Biomaterials. 2009, October; 30(29): 5720-5728 Abstract  Press Release 

"Nanodiamond applications in skin preparations," Namdar, R et al. Drug Discovery Today, 2018, May; 23(5): 1152-1158 Abstract

"Clinical validation of a nanodiamond-embedded thermoplastic biomaterial," Lee, Dong-Keun et al. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017, Nov; 7: 114 (45) E9445-E9454 Full Article

  • "Nanodiamonds show promise for aiding recovery from root canal," UCLA Press Release, Oct 23, 2017 Press Release


"Adoption of nanodiamonds as biomedical materials for bone repair," Basu, Sayantani et al. Nanomedicine (Lond.) (2017) 12(24), 2709–2713 Full Article

Topic: Wound Healing & Pain Relief

"Collective cell migration: Implications for wound healing and cancer invasion," Li Li et al. Burns Trauma. 2013; 1(1): 21–26.

Full Article

"Endogenous electric fields as guiding cue for cell migration," Richard H.W Funk. Frontiers in Physiology, 2015 Full Review

"An introduction to pain pathways and mechanisms," Reddi et al. British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2013 Dec; Vol. 74 No. 12:C188-91. 

Abstract (Must purchase for full access)

"Electrical fields in wound healing -- An overriding signal that directs cell migration," Min Zhao (Department of Dermatology, University of California-Davis) Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. 2009, Aug; 20(6): 674-682 Abstract 

Topic: Carrier Oils

"Review: Sea Buckthorn Oil—A Valuable Source for Cosmeceuticals," Koskovac et al. Cosmetics 2017, 4(4), 40 Full Review

"Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) as a potential source of nutraceutics and its therapeutic possibilities - A review," Krejcarová et al. (2015). Acta Veterinaria Brno. 84. 257-268. Full Review 

"Determination of carotenoids and their esters in fruits of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) by HPLC-DAD-APCI-MS." Giuffrida, Danielle et al. Phytochemical Analysis 2012 May-Jun;23(3):267-73. Abstract

3rd Party Nanodiamonds
3rd Party Healing Pain
3rd Party Carrier Oils
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FDA Disclaimer Statement: 

The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from health care practitioners. Please consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product.

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